The ultimate example of giving was set by God, as He sacrificially gave His own Son (John 3: 6). In turn, His Son continued to be a giving example to us (Eph 5:2). God’s word also teaches us that every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord (James 1:17), and so everything you are blessed with ultimately belongs to Him. You are entrusted by God with stewardship over your finances, resources and time, and it is your responsibility as a believer to be a good steward and give back to God what is His through giving to the church and to others. “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).
Good stewardship over our financial resources involves the way we earn, spend, save, invest and give. We would like to provide our members a convenient way to give back to God. A way that is very secure and easy. With that, we are pleased to offer online giving. There are several ways to give electronically online: automatic checking withdrawal, debit cards and credit cards. This giving option has advantages, and we want each person who chooses this option to make sure they are giving in a spirit that is pleasing to the Lord.
Why use Online Giving?
Through encryption technology, giving online at “Greater Providence Baptist Church ” is safe and secure.
It is processed by the best e-security available.
You may deduct a specific dollar amount from a checking account or credit card,
which may be a one-time gift or a recurring gift at intervals you specify.
Online giving allows you to minimize the number of checks written, posted, carried and managed.
5350 Marvin D. Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75232
Phone: (214) 331-9994
Fax: (214) 331-9992